Water like no other, Voss gives you Artesian Water from the southern tip of Norway...
About Voss
VOSS Artesian Water from Norway comes from a spring in a sparsely populated area on the southern tip of Norway, producing pure water like no other. This water is collected from an underground aquifer deep beneath the surface under layers of sand and gravel. Because the water is naturally filtered, it is free of contact with the air and other pollutants.
Purity of water is defined in part by the mineral level found in specific bottled waters and is referred to as Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). TDS levels in VOSS are extremely low in comparison to other leading bottled waters.
VOSS’ commitment to 100% carbon neutrality is comprehensive, holistic and sustainable, led by industry leader 3Degrees. With 3Degrees, we independently measure our total carbon footprint, from the supply of our raw materials to the recycling of our bottles. We use a continuous improvement philosophy to reduce the carbon footprint of bringing VOSS to all markets. Utilizing the universally accepted Carbon Trust Methodology, we balance what cannot be reduced through investments in renewable energy, landfill remediation and methane capture.
Voss Foundation
Voss Foundation is dedicated to providing access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene as a means to enable community-driven development in Sub-Saharan Africa and raising awareness of the ongoing need in the region. It has supported the creation of over 150 new clean water access points and more than 467 sanitation facilities spanning the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malli, Liberia, Swaziland and Uganda.